Connecting with Bloggers in the Beauty Industry through the Help of Public Relations
The beauty industry has experienced a marvelous growth when it comes to its place online. This is due to the increase in the number of influential beauty bloggers which help customers connect with their favorite brands without ever leaving the house. Given the fact that beauty bloggers play such a major role in the industry and can have a huge impact on the decisions of your customers, one of the best public relations strategies that you can implement is to connect with them and develop an ongoing relationship.
Today we are going to talk about how you can use PR to establish meaningful relationships with beauty v-loggers and bloggers, increasing your fan base and adding meaningful improvements to your company.
Invite Bloggers to Events and Brand Experiences
When you are organizing an event, you may rely on traditional media like newspapers and TV to get the word out. But sometimes these channels are not sufficient if you want to attract new audiences towards your products and services. Search for respected bloggers and send them invitations to your events. Do not forget to set up an interactive experience to make your brand stand out even more.
Create Giveaways for Their Readers
There’s nothing a beauty enthusiast loves more than giveaways and testing new products. If you are targeting a larger customer base, contact bloggers and discuss ways to create giveaways or other types of original content. Choose those particular products that you want to be promoted and engage bloggers and readers in exciting activities for the giveaway. Remember though. Bigger bloggers might ask for fees along with their promotions.
Ask for Feedback from Beauty Bloggers
One of the best ways to keep in touch with the blogging community is to also show that your company has an honest culture when it comes to their customers, asking for feedback. Involve bloggers in the process of launching new products or services, also giving them a story at the same time. You can even offer products for testing before they are available to create a focus group like environment.
Regardless of the status you have in the beauty industry, having a strong relationship with bloggers and with online beauty communities is one of the best PR strategies you can execute. It will not only attract new attention towards your brand and bring you new customers; but it will also help develop a rich, meaningful company culture and philosophy to make you a name in the industry.
If you have any questions about how to properly execute a PR strategy when it comes to connecting with beauty bloggers or if you simply want to know more about how the online beauty community can help you increase your business, please do not hesitate to contact us at jessica@janicemccaffertypr.com.