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Janice McCafferty - Top Beauty PR Firm & PR Agency

As a follow up to our article on Instagram from last week, we thought it would be good to share a few tools to make you a more effective Instagramer.


Let’s say you’ve got a big event coming up – Textgram is exactly what you want. It allows you to create word based images. Obviously, in an ideal world, you would utilize electronic versions of your own promotional materials, but the reality is that they don’t always translate well on the platform. Textgram gives you an easy way to get the pertinent information out there. Textgram is available for iOS and Android users.

Pic Stitch

Interesting in before & after or “how it’s made” photos? Pic Stitch is one of the most user friendly collage apps out there. The free version comes with dozens of different collage templates that allow you to combine up to six different photos. Additionally, it has a built in photo editor that allows you to edit each image individually before exporting them to a plethora of social media apps besides Instagram. Pic Stitch is only available for iOS users.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, feel free to contact us at We are more than happy to discuss anything related to the PR world with you.

Janice McCafferty PR